When Sustainable Development Goals Intersect with Complexity

Hey Reader,

With objectives so broad and encompassing so many facets of life, it's no surprise that pursuits related to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals sometimes intersect in complicated ways. And in the United States, we're seeing that right now in a high-profile labor strike by autoworkers who work for car manufacturers.

Among several points of contention, auto workers are concerned that a transition from traditional internal combustion engine cars to electric vehicles will result in significant job loss. Union jobs at US-based manufacturing plants may transition to non-union jobs at battery makers or even abroad to other countries where many batteries are currently produced (without the intervention that the autoworkers union is calling for). This is a fair concern for US workers, particularly as the United States government is incentivizing this transition to more clean-energy cars.

This complicated scenario is just one example where we need to understand how the pursuit of each of these goals can impact the others. We want clean energy (SDG #7) but we also want to ensure that workers have decent jobs with fair wages and just working conditions (SDG #8).

There is no silver bullet solution that will meet all of our goals, but this is one real-world example that we can use as a basis for discussion about how we might weigh the pros and cons of each goal. More importantly, it's a glaring reminder that certain transitions, like a transition to clean energy, must be just!

We cannot forget the human element of investments in things like climate solutions. Just because EVs might reduce emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels, we can't leave impacted workers behind. Any transition for climate purposes must be accompanied by fair and reasonable accommodation for those whose jobs and livelihoods are impacted by the change.

As you discuss the Sustainable Development Goals with your young learners, consider how current events like this labor strike bring to light the complexity of the goals, how they collide with one another, and how they work together at times. It's a great opportunity for open-ended discussion and critical thinking, as well as a real-world reminder that there isn't always a "right" answer.

We'd love to hear about current events in your communities that highlight how Sustainable Development Goal initiatives either compete with each other or align to result in even better outcomes for people and the planet. Simply reply to this email if you're feeling up for sharing.

And of course, if you ever have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to hit reply on this email. It comes right back to us, and we read every single email!

-- Jen + Jess

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We create and curate resources to raise the next generation of responsible global citizens. We help parents, teachers, and caregivers educate our youth on sustainable living and inspire them to be the next leaders in their communities, aligning our work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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