Don't Let Holiday Food Waste Get the Best of You, Even on the Road

Hey Reader,

In some parts of the world, we are deep into a period of holiday celebrations, many of which include lots of food. The holidays are a time to break bread with friends, share food with those in our community who are food insecure, and (hopefully) not waste too much food. The United Nations SDG #12 prioritizes responsible consumption, a part of which includes a responsibility to limit food waste.

Leftovers, proper portion planning, creative recipes, and food rescue programs can hopefully put a dent in potential food waste. Our co-founder, Jess, is a food rescue advocate and walks the walk through her volunteer service with Cocoa Packs. Our other co-founder, Jen, is a composting nerd and has no fear digging into a pile of decomposing food scraps.

It's always best when we can eat food before it ends up in a compost pile, but food waste (to some extent) is inevitable in our current food system. To that end, be sure you compost food scraps when possible, even during the busy holiday - and even if you're traveling!

Over on her blog, Honestly Modern, Jen shares 5 ways to compost even if you're away from home. Community gardens, drop off locations, and municipal programs all make composting easier even if you don't have access to your own service or bin. If you're on the road, you may even be able to bring your own bucket to take back home with you. Head on over to check out all the tips and tricks to find ways to compost your food scraps, even while you're traveling. The more we can responsibly manage our consumption and waste, the better off we all are together.

As always, thanks for being here! We appreciate the RGK community so much. If you want to know what else we've been sharing, check out the blog.

Lastly, if you ever have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to hit reply on this email. It comes right back to us, and we read every single email!

-- Jen + Jess

Welcome to Raising Global Kidizens!

We create and curate resources to raise the next generation of responsible global citizens. We help parents, teachers, and caregivers educate our youth on sustainable living and inspire them to be the next leaders in their communities, aligning our work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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